Explore the Sun Walk
[20 Minutes]
Enjoy some fresh air on a sunny day and explore the marvels of sunshine together.
What to do:
- On a day when the sun is warm and bright, go out with your child for a sun walk. Talk about how the sun makes him feel.
- Bring out a pair of sunglasses. Let him try them on. Ask him, "What do sunglasses do?"
- Encourage him to notice where the sun is located in the sky at different times of the day. Talk about how the sun moves.
- Invite him to find places where you both can hide from the sun.
- Together, look for plants that grow in the sun. Also find plants that seem to like the shade.
- Invite your child to find a place to sit in the warm sun. Time him for one minute. At the end of one minute, ask him how he feels.
Let's Talk: Ideas to Explore Together.
- Is the sun warmer on your bare arm or where clothing covers your body?
- Can you think of some ways people try to stay cool on a hot day?
Useful information:
While you are having fun together, this activity helps your child develop observational skills and language skills.