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Colorful Hearts and Flowers


Colorful Hearts and Flowers

[30 Minutes]

The art of making stained glass has been referred to as "painting with light." During the 13th century, when stained glass was very popular, pot glass and flash glass were used to create the effect. The techniques have changed over the years. Use tissue paper to make a "stained glass window." This project can create some bright spots of color for your home. You and your child may also choose to give some of these "sun-catchers" away as gifts.

You'll need:

• waxed paper • liquid starch • tissue paper in different colors • paper cup • paint brush • newspaper • yarn for hanging • construction paper • glue • scissors

What to do:

  1. If possible, print out these directions. Read them through with your child.
  2. With your child, gather everything you'll need.
  3. Together, cut out tissue paper flowers, hearts, and leaves. Set them aside.
  4. Cut 2 pieces of waxed paper about 9 or 10 inches long.
  5. Let your child help you pour a small amount of liquid starch into a paper cup and add a little water to thin it.
  6. Lay one sheet of waxed paper on top of the newspaper.
  7. Encourage your child to brush the liquid starch mixture onto the waxed paper.
  8. Invite her to arrange some of the tissue paper shapes onto the sticky waxed paper.
  9. Let her cover the cutouts with the second sheet of waxed paper. Set it aside to dry.
  10. Once the mixture is dry, ask your child if she would like to make a frame for the "hearts and flowers." Help her cut a heart-shaped outline from construction paper and glue it on top of the waxed paper. When dry, show her how to trim away the edges of the waxed paper.
  11. Invite her to hang her sun-catcher in a window where the sun will shine through the "Hearts and Flowers."
  12. Make several sun-catchers and give them away to friends or relatives as gifts.

Let's Talk: Ideas to Explore Together.

  • Through which color tissue paper does the light shine through the best?
  • What will happen if you overlap the tissue paper?
  • Have you ever seen a stained glass window or lamp? Where?

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