My Cloud Song
[5 Minutes]
After a day outside enjoying blue skies and white clouds, return home and share this simple song about the soft white clouds with your child.
What to do:
Sing this song about clouds (Tune: "Are You Sleeping"): I am floating, I am floating, Way up high, In the sky. Soft and white and fluffy, soft and white and fluffy, I'm a cloud, I'm a cloud.
The sun and birds, The sun and birds Are my friends in the sky. Soft and white and fluffy Soft and white and fluffy I'm a cloud, I'm a cloud.
Let's Talk: Ideas to Explore Together.
- What color are the clouds that you see in the sky?
- Do you like watching the clouds? Do they move or stay still?
- Can you "see" any shapes in the clouds? What do they look like?
Useful information:
While you are having fun together, this activity helps your child develop language skills.