Sand Dough Art
[30 Minutes]
Bring a bit of the beach home and use it to make play dough that hardens in the sun. Work together as you shape the play dough into summertime sculptures.
You'll need:
measuring cup 1 cup sand saucepan bowl 1/2 cup cornstarch 3/4 cup water cookie sheet or tray shells or pebbles leaves
What to do:
- Let your child help you pour the ingredients into a saucepan.
- Cook until very thick.
- Let mixture cool and then put it into a bowl.
- Let your child knead the cooled mixture for a few minutes.
- Together with your child form the dough into shapes or free form "sculptures." Press in shells or pebbles, if you wish.
- Carefully lift the finished sculptures onto a tray or cookie sheet.
- Place the tray of sculptures out in the sun to bake for 1-2 days until hard.
- Cover any remaining mixture in bowl with plastic wrap for later use.
Let's Talk: Ideas to Explore Together.
- How does the dough feel when it is soft? When it is hard?
- Tell me about your sculpture.
Useful information:
While you are having fun together, this activity helps your child develop eye/hand coordination, small muscle skills, and an understanding of cause and effect.