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It's A-maze-String


It's A-maze-String

[30 Minutes]

Just some string, a rock and stick will be all you need to tangle yourselves up in laughter as you try to undo your partner's maze of string as fast as you can before yourpartner figures it out!

You'll need:

• 2 rocks small enough to easily be held in your hand • 2 balls of string or yarn • 2 small sticks to wrap your string • an outdoor area with trees, shrubs, large rocks,etc.

What to do:

  1. If possible, print out these directions. Read them through with your child before your begin
  2. Together, with your child, gather everything you'll need.
  3. Explain to your child that you each will be creating a "maze of string" to be untangled as you race against each other!

How to play:

  1. Pick your outdoor area. Wooded areas work best -but playgrounds and other areas with small trees or other obstacles work great, too.
  2. Tie one end of the string to your rock - making sure that it's secure enough that it won,t wiggle off as you toss it around.
  3. Measure out 10 yards of string for each of you. Tie your sticks to the other ends of your string so you can easily wrap the string around the stick as you undo your maze. This will alow you to easily play again!
  4. Let your child pick your starting spot. On "Go!" - each of you will run and create a string maze as you count out loud to ten, "One Mississippi, Two Mississippi...." Wrap your string lossely around a tree, under a rock, through some tall grass. String your string anywhere and anyhow you'd like for your partner to undo!
  5. When you are through counting to 10, your mazes are done. You both should be holding onto only the end of the string with the stick.
  6. Trade each other's string. One "Go!" - you will each attempt to unravel the string maze before the other!
  7. When you're done, do it again!

Let's Talk: Ideas to Explore Together.

  • Was it difficult to unravel the maze? Why?
  • What was the most fun?
  • Did the string get too tangled or hung up on anything?
  • How else you could create string mazes?

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